How to Make a Woman Happy | Music MP3 Download

How to Make a Woman Happy
How to Make a Woman Happy

Being in a relationship or getting the woman of your dreams is one thing, but it’s an entirely different thing to make her happy in the relationship. This doesn’t necessarily mean having lots of money and spending heavily on her, although this might be an added peck. However, the most important thing is being sincere and genuine when dealing with her. It definitely won’t be easy making a woman happy, but the rewards are definitely worth. In this blog post, we will discuss several ways you can keep your woman happy.

15 Tips On How to Make a Woman Happy Below:

1. Listen to her:

Most times, men forget that listening to their woman is one of the most important thing they could ever do in the relationship. Make sure you listen attentively whenever she is talking to you about anything and make genuine contributions if you have any. This way, she will not only feel happy, but she will really feel that you care about what she is talking about.

2. Don’t be secretive:

Although most men are naturally secretive about their feelings, but to make your woman happy, you must learn to open up to her. In addition to making her happy, opening up to your woman will help you win her trust and she will come to you for almost everything in return because she trusts you.

3. Be Sensitive:

Another way to make your woman happy is being sensitive to needs, and the kind of words you use on her especially during arguments. Arguments are bound to happen in relationships, but mind the kind of words you use on her during such, as it would not only hurt her, but it might also create major problems in the relationship.

4. Respect your woman:

Respecting your woman is another key factor in making her happy, and also safeguarding your relationship as women thrive in an environment where they are respected. Also, respecting her opinions leads to less arguments in your relationship.

5. Compliment her:

Women loves compliment and most times, they make the extra effort to look nice just to get compliments. Don’t be ashamed of complimenting your woman at every turn, this doesn’t just make happy, it causes her hearts to flutter and make her put extra effort into her appearance.

6. Write her love paragraphs or love notes:

Another way to make happy is to give her something to read (by writing a love paragraph her or love notes) that will leave her smiling the whole day. These love paragraphs or love notes could be anything from a little I love you” on sticky notes left around the house, to love text messages, or the old fashion love letters.

7.Spend time with her:

This is another important thing you must do to make your woman happy in your relationship. Always make time for her no matter how hectic or busy your schedule is. When spending time with her, do things that will make the time spent with her memorable, even in the simplest ways. Infact create sweet memories with her.

8. Surprise her with gifts:

Surprising her gifts doesn’t necessarily mean you have to break the bank to do so. A simple gift like a box of chocolates, movie tickets, her favorite ice cream, or even flowers are enough to make your girl happy. Infact most times, it’s the thoughts behind the gifts that matters.

9. Make her feel special:

Another way to keep your woman happy is to make her feel special. Infact you should make her your priority. Place her above other things in your life. If you are making efforts to make the people around you feel loved, you should make double that effort to make her feel even more special.

10. Include her in Important issues:

Including your woman when making important decisions shows you actually love her because you are putting her opinions into consideration. This will make her happy and valued, because it shows you see a future in the relationship.

11. Go on romantic Dates:

Whether it’s a movie date, a fine dining restaurant, a picnic in the park, or just dinner inside your home, it doesn’t matter, just make it romantic. This is another way to make her happy as women genuinely appreciate romantic gestures.

12. Pay Attention to small details:

Most times, it’s not the big love gestures that does it for most ladies, rather it’s the smaller things and moments. An example is noticing she changed her hair and complimenting it without her telling you first, it could also be giving her a leg rub after a long day at work.

13. Help her with the house chores without being asked:

Helping her out around the house especially when she is having a rough day or week will go a long way in making your woman happy as you are reliving her of stress and giving her a chance to rest.

14. Give her all your attention when you are together:

Because most women are chatter boxes, most men always tune off on what their women are saying and most times give attention to their phones. This is actually wrong, your woman should have all your attention when you are together. Put aside your phone because giving your woman attention is one way of making her genuinely happy.

15. Appreciate her:

Never take your woman for granted, always appreciate everything she does for you, and let her know you appreciate her. Don’t just assume that because you are in already in a relationship with her, you no longer need to appreciate her, or work to keep her. The moment you stop appreciating her efforts, she starts becoming unhappy and begins to lose interest in the relationship.


Finally, while these tips can help you make your woman genuinely happy, you shouldn’t use them only when you want to get out of trouble or when you want something from her, else she becomes skeptical whenever you are being nice to her. Instead do them because you love her and want to see her smile. Even though this seems like a lot to do, you don’t have to do everything at once for her, but if you do them you will see that it doesn’t actually take much to keep your woman happy.

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